Friday, June 18, 2010

The Creative Mind (Part Four)

We're looking at how creative individuals have complex personalities...the ability to be more than one thing.

The next polarity of Csikszentmihaly: Playfulness and Discipline.

Researchers in creativity note that the process involves a blend of sheer fun, and hard work. Highly creative types embrace both ends of the spectrum.

A playful spirit allows us to follow our whims. To explore a story thread and see where it goes...and to enjoy that process. To imagine, as children do, without fear of mistakes.

Ah, but if that's all we do.....

"I had this great idea for a novel, but I never did anything with it..."

"I've written a few chapters, but life is so busy..."

"I get enthusiastic about a new writing project, but after a week or so that energy fades and the project just sits."


Discipline means I will write today. And tomorrow. And tomorrow.

I'll set goals and stick with them.

I'll write, regardless of how I "feel."

I'll make time to read--study the work of others who excel at my craft.

I'll do the hard things, as well as the fun things.

Years ago, I read an interview with singer/songwriter Amy Grant. She relayed the story of a time early in her career when she complained to her manager that public appearances and time commitments and deadlines weren't "fun" anymore.

Her wise manager looked her straight in the eye, and told her to decide--right now--how serious she was about a music career. A professional, he said, does what needs to be done, regardless of how "fun" it may seem.

Children are playful and inventive. But when the game stops being fun, they quit and go on to something else. Mature adults get the work done, even when they don't feel like it.

Highly creative individuals find a way to tap into both.

How are you doing?

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